
The Classical Chinese Dance and Music programs require applicants who pass the pre-screening to perform an audition.

The audition for the Master of Fine Arts in Classical Chinese Dance degree program consists of a condensed class in classical Chinese dance technique and lasts for approximately one and a half hours. Each auditionee should prepare a solo dance that the auditionee has learned or choreographed, set to prerecorded music playable from an MP3 player or similar device.

Dance applicants are ultimately evaluated as to their potential to become leading professional artists in the field of classical Chinese dance, based on the following criteria:

  • Prior systematic training in classical Chinese dance or dance competency
  • Prior professional experience in dance performance, choreography, and/or dance teaching
  • Experience or exhibiting keen interest in using the form of classical Chinese dance as a means of cross-cultural transmission of traditional culture
  • Commitment to developing character as an integral part of becoming a leading professional artist in the field

The audition for the Master of Music in Performance degree program focuses on the performance of solo works that demonstrate the candidate’s highest skill level. For Western instrument auditionees, repertoire must be from the Baroque, Classical, and/or Romantic periods. Each auditionee should prepare two solo works of contrasting styles composed prior to 1900, at least one of which is a required piece chosen from a list provided by the department, and which in total do not exceed 30 minutes in playing length. A departmental accompanist shall be provided for the audition. Auditionees must bring their scores to the audition. Auditionees may be asked to sight-read a passage of music.

Music applicants are ultimately evaluated based on whether they have the potential to become leading professional musicians, based on the following criteria:

  • Prior undergraduate training in applied instrument or vocal studies or music competency
  • Prior experience in solo performance, ensemble performance, music composition, and/or music teaching
  • Experience or exhibiting keen interest in using the form of music as a means of cross-cultural transmission of traditional culture
  • Commitment to developing character as an integral part of becoming a leading professional artist in the field
Application Process  ›  Audition