Second Degree

Second Degree vs. Double Major

Fei Tian College permits qualified individuals to pursue an additional baccalaureate degree (second degree). A second degree applicant is an individual who previously earned a baccalaureate degree, and now seeks to enroll in a baccalaureate degree program in an essentially different area of study.

The College currently does not offer any double program or double major.

Policies for Second Degree

Application in this category is via the standard process for transfer applicants.

Graduation with an additional degree is contingent on the following:

  1. The student must fulfill all requirements of the new program that were in effect at the time of matriculation. Subject to (2) and (3) below, the student may in some cases partially fulfill these requirements using prior credits:
    1. Core courses: If the student previously completed a course (or equivalent) that contributes toward fulfilling a core credit requirement of the new program, the credits from the prior completion can be applied towards fulfilling that requirement of the new program, up to a maximum of 12 credits in total.
      • A "core" course is one that can fulfill any credit requirement of the new program, excluding elective requirements and general-education requirements.
    2. General education: If the student previously completed a course (or equivalent) that contributes to fulfilling a general-education requirement of the new program, the credits from the prior completion can be applied towards fulfilling that requirement of the new program.
    3. Electives: If the student previously completed a course (or equivalent) that contributes toward fulfilling an elective credit requirement of the new program, and the student did not need the completion to fulfill any requirement of any previous degree, then the credits from the prior completion can be applied towards fulfilling that requirement of the new program, up to a maximum of 12 credits in total.
    4. GPA: For purposes of determining whether the student satisfies GPA requirements of the new program, GPA computation incorporates only grades from the student's new degree. Grades earned during previous degrees are irrelevant.
      • GPA calculation incorporates all grades earned during the degree program, including grades for courses that the student is not required to take. (Such grades are irrelevant to major GPA, but do contribute to program GPA.)
  2. The student must earn, in residence, at least 30 additional credits in courses that are core to the new program.
    • Here, an "additional" credit is a credit that the student did not need to fulfill any requirement of any previous degree.
    • Typically the student will earn all of these credits during his new program. In rare cases, a student may have completed, during a previous degree, extra credits that he did not need to fulfill any graduation requirement; if these credits were in a course (or equivalent) that is core to his new program, and were completed at Fei Tian, they count towards the 30-credit minimum.
    • This requirement takes priority over (1) above. That is, in no event may a student apply so many credits from previous degree(s) that he completes a new degree with fewer than 30 additional core credits earned in residence.
  3. All credits from prior degrees that are applied towards fulfilling the requirements of the new degree count as credits for prior learning.
    • Therefore, the student must earn at least 50% of the credits for the new degree via coursework during the new degree. This is because, per Fei Tian policy, the total number of credits awarded for prior learning may not exceed 50% of the credits required for graduation.
    • This requirement takes priority over (1) above. That is, in no event may a student apply so many credits from previous degree(s) and/or other credits for prior learning that he completes a new degree with fewer than 50% additional credits earned during the new degree.
  4. Individual programs may have additional, program-specific policies. The student must comply with these program-specific policies, if any.
  5. The student must meet any and all financial obligations to the College and to its supporting agencies.
  6. The student must follow all College and academic policies, including course-sequencing rules, in the additional degree program.


  • If a student starts one degree program and then switches partway to a different degree program, that is a change of major, not a second degree.
  • Course content can change over time, sometimes to the extent that an old version of a course the student completed and the current version of the same course are different enough that they are nonequivalent, and the student's credits from completing the old course cannot be applied to the new program via (1) above. This can happen even if the course code, title, and credit weight are the same.
  • (1a), (1b), and (1c) above apply to nonzero credit amounts only. Zero-credit completions, such as of MUS003R, cannot be applied to the new program via (1) above.

Academic Policies  ›  Second Degree