Graduate Certificate Data Science Courses

DAS506 Data Science Foundations (3 credits)

This foundational course equips students with the essential principles of computer science and statistical analysis necessary for data science. Topics include basic statistics, an introduction to Python programming, data structures, and an overview of databases. Emphasis is placed on understanding through visualization, using coding to grasp methods and concepts, and applying basic SQL queries. This course sets the groundwork for more specialized studies in data visualization, data mining, and machine learning. Prerequisite: None

DAS522 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization (3 credits)

Students will learn the art and science of converting data into graphical representations that make complex information accessible and actionable. This course covers the basics of R programming, data cleaning, transformation techniques, and the use of Tableau for creating compelling dashboards. The curriculum is designed to help students master the skills needed to present data in visual formats that reveal patterns, trends, and correlations. Prerequisite: DAS506

DAS542 Data mining and Data Engineering (3 credits)

This course introduces students to the processes involved in extracting valuable insights from large data sets and the engineering aspects required to handle and transform data effectively. It includes training in basic Linux command lines, understanding container technology with Docker, and practical applications of data transformation. Students will use tools like Rapidminer for clustering and modeling work, preparing them for complex data tasks in real-world scenarios. Prerequisite: DAS506

COS546 Hands-on Machine Learning and AI (3 credits)

Focusing on practical applications, this course introduces students to machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques that can be applied without extensive programming. Using tools like Rapidminer, students will learn to create and implement predictive models and AI solutions. The course aims to demystify machine learning and AI, making these advanced technologies accessible and applicable for solving practical problems in various sectors. Prerequisite: DAS506

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