Oil Painting

Students pursuing a non-Fine Arts major have the option of also pursuing a minor in Oil Painting, by complete a minimum of 21 credits as per the following curriculum.

Minor in Oil Painting Curriculum
Minor in Oil Painting Curriculum
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisite(s)
Drawing Fundamental Skills and Training (10 cr)
ART107 Dynamic Composition 2 None
DRP101R Drawing I 4 None
DRP102 Painting 4 DRP101R
Oil Painting Skill and Techniques (6 cr)
   Choose 3 courses from either the following list or any ART, DRP course(s)
DRP103 Quick Sketch Techniques 2 None
ART103 Introduction to Sculpture 2 None
DRP203 Landscape Painting 2 DRP102
DRP202 Still Life Painting 2 DRP102
DRP321 Portrait Painting 2 DRP202,DRP203
DRP322 Half-length Portrait 2 DRP321
Composition (2 cr)
DRP310R Composition I 2 DRP204
Art History Requirement (3 cr)
   Select one of the following ARH courses
ARH101 Art History I 3 None
ARH102 Art History II 3 ARH101
Minors  ›  Oil Painting