Curriculum Details

Major Requirements (71 Credits)

The major requirement for the BFA in Arts Managements comprises of management core courses, major electives, and career development courses. Management core provides students with training on business management, marketing, finance, and accounting, as well as non-profit organization fundraising. Students can further expand their knowledge in arts and management through elective courses.

Management Core (29 cr)
Management Core (29 cr)
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisite(s)
ACC221 Financial Accounting 3 None
AMG211 Brand Identity 2 None
AMG335 Fund Raising for the Arts 3 MKT201
BUS121 Fundamentals of Arts Management 3 None
BUS213 Business Finance 3 ACC221
BUS331 Arts and Entertainment Law 3 None
MGM331 Organizational Behavior 3 MKT201, BUS121
MGM431 Managing and Leading Organizations 3 MGM331
MKT201 Principles of Marketing 3 None
MKT321 Digital Marketing 3 MKT201
Art Core (26 cr)
Art Core (26 cr)
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisite(s)
History/Theory/Literature (13 cr)
Select a minimum of 13 cr from the following courses.
Or select any lecture courses in the BFA in Dance curriculum and in the BFA in Fine Arts and Design curriculum.
Courses taken to fulfill Gen Ed requirements cannot be double counted here.
ARH101 Art History I 3 None
ARH102 Art History II 3 None
ARH131 History of Graphic Design 3 None
ART102A Art Anatomy A 2 None
ART102B Art Anatomy B 2 ART102A
ART111 Visual Literacy I 2 None
DAN211 History of Dance: East and West 2 None
DAN212 Dance Anatomy 3 None
DAN331 Dance Pedagogy I 2 None
DAN332 Dance Pedagogy II 2 DAN331
DSG101 Design Studio I 3 None
DSG102 Computer Graphics 3 DSG101
LAS104 Introduction to Performing 2 None
MUS140 History of Music 3 None
Techniques/Practices (13 cr)
Select a minimum of 13 cr from the following courses.
Or select DAN and/or DAB courses in studio format from BFA in Dance curriculum and any DRP and/or DSG courses from BFA in Fine Arts and Design curriculum.
ART101A Perspective A 2 None
ART101B Perspective B 2 ART101A
ART107 Dynamic Composition 2 None
DAB101R Fundamentals of Classical Ballet I 6 None
DAB221R Repertory and Rehearsal I: Ballet 3 DAN121R
DAN101R Fundamentals of Classical Chinese Dance I 6 None
DAN121R Introduction to Repertoire of Dance 2 None
DAN143R Modern Dance 4 Instructor approval
DAN221R Repertory and Rehearsal I: Classical Chinese Dance 2 DAN121R
DAN334 Composition I 2 None
DRP101 Drawing I 4 None
DRP102 Painting 4 DRP101
DRP205 Quick Sketch Techniques 2 None
DSG101 Design Studio I 3 None
DSG103 Typography Design I 3 None
DSG111 Photography 3 None
DSG212 Video Production 3 DSG111
MUS102A Keyboard Skills A 1 None
MUS102B Keyboard Skills B 1 MUS102A
MUS202A Advanced Keyboard Skills A 1 MUS102B
MUS202B Advanced Keyboard Skills B 1 MUS202A
Major Electives (18 cr)
Major Electives (18 cr)
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisite(s)
Choose a minimum of 9 cr from the following list and the rest from either the following list
or any ARH, ART, DRP, DSG, DAN, DAB, MUS course(s) in upper division.
Courses taken to fulfill GE requirements cannot be double counted as Major Electives.
ACC222 Managerial Accounting 3 ACC221
AMG361 Art Management Junior Internship 3 Dept. Approval
AMG431 Business Plan Development 3 MKT201 and ACC222
BMS135 Introduction to Psychology 3 None
BUS214 Financial Market and Investment 3 ACC221
COS102 Introduction to Computing 3 None
DAS341 Business Data Analysis 3 STA101
ECO101 Principles of Economics 3 None
ECO211 Microeconomics 3 ECO101
ENG205 Writing for Media 3 ENG101
ENG221 Debate and Argumentation 3 ENG101
MGM332 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3 None
Senior Synthesis and Career Development (4 cr)

Select from the following.

Senior Synthesis and Career Development (4 cr)
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisite(s)
AMG451 Senior Project 4 Dept. Approval
AMG461 Arts Management Practicum 4 Dept. Approval
AMG462 Arts Management Internship 4 Dept. Approval
General Education (45 credits)

The College requires that all undergraduate students, regardless of major, complete core general education courses in nine distributions. The Gen Ed requirements for Arts Management students is 45 credits.

College Core (11 cr)

College Success (2 cr)

College Core (11 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
LAS102 College Success 2 None
LAS004 Career Development 0 None

College English (3 cr)

College Core (11 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
ENG101 Effective English 3 Placement test

World Civilizations (6 cr)

College Core (11 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
CIV111 Western Civilization 3 ENG101
CIV112 Chinese Civilization 3 None
CIV113 World Civilization 3 None
Humanities (6 cr)
Humanities (6 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
HUM125 US Society and Government 3 None
HUM204 Survey of Western Literature 3 ENG101
HUM221 The Making of the Modern World 3 CIV111
HUM222 Topics in Chinese History 3 CIV112
Writing and Rhetoric (3 cr)
Writing and Rhetoric (3 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
ENG104 Public Speaking 3 ENG101
ENG201 Academic Writing 3 ENG101
ENG205 Writing for Media 3 ENG101
ENG221 Debate and Argumentation 3 ENG101
Quantitative Reasoning (3 cr)

Courses in mathematics and statistics that develop students' skills in mathematical thinking and quantitative skills.

Quantitative Reasoning (3 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
MAT101 Mathematics in Applied Context 3 None
MAT104 Applied Calculus 3 None
MAT105 Calculus I 4 None
MAT106 Calculus II 4 MAT105
MAT201 Linear Algebra 4 None
STA101 Introduction to Statistics 3 None
Scientific Reasoning (6 cr)

Social Sciences (3 cr)

Scientific Reasoning (6 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 3 None
ECO101 Principles of Economics 3 None
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology 3 None

Natural Sciences (3 cr)

Scientific Reasoning (6 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
HSC130 Nutrition, Health and Wellness 3 None
BSC100 Principles of Biology 3 Co-requisite BSC100L
BSC100L Principles of Biology Lab 1 Co-requisite BSC100
CHM100 Principles of Chemistry 3 Co-requisite CHM100L
CHM100L Principles of Chemistry Lab 1 Co-requisite CHM100
PHY101 General Physics I 3 Co-requisite PHY101L
PHY101L General Physics I Lab 1 Co-requisite PHY101
Art and Aesthetics (5 cr)
Art and Aesthetics (5 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
ARH101 Art History I 3 None
ARH102 Art History II 3 None
ARH131 History of Graphic Design 3 None
ART111 Visual Literacy I 2 None
DAN211 History of Dance: East and West 2 None
Values and Ethics (3 cr)
Values and Ethics (3 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
PHL130 Philosophical Perspectives I 1 None
PHL131 Philosophical Perspectives II 1 None
PHL231 Philosophical Perspectives III 1 PHL130 and PHL131
World Language and Literature (8 cr)
World Language and Literature (8 cr)
Code Title Credits Prerequisites
CLC111 Elementary Chinese I 4 placement test
CLC112 Elementary Chinese II 4 CLC111 or placement test
CLC211 Intermediate Chinese I 4 placement test
CLC212 Intermediate Chinese II 4 CLC211 or placement test
CLC311 Advanced Chinese I 4 placement test
CLC312 Advanced Chinese II 4 CLC311 or placement test
Free Electives (6 credits)

Students are free to choose 6 credits from any college level courses offered by the College.

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